Private Coaching Sessions
1-on-1 coaching sessions with Dan Fredrickson
Private Coaching Sessions
1-on-1 coaching sessions with Dan Fredrickson
Everything Affects Your Health
I know that sounds kind of silly but think about it? The way you think is the way you feel.
One morning I was looking in the mirror with a less than positive mindset and what did I see? I see an aging old man, who’s getting a little flabby, has some sun damaged skin and thinking, “God, you are getting old.” I’m tired even though I just got up. I seem to feel more aches and pains and vow, rather weakly, that I’m going to start working out again. I think, I’m not going to eat any crappy food today, as I dream of the bacon cheeseburger and fries being cooked at the restaurant across the street from where I’m working today.
I received a phone call, just a few minutes later with some great news and was feeling pretty good now. I went back to the bathroom and started to get ready to take a shower. I looked at the mirror again and saw a completely different guy. My eyes were bright and full of energy. I felt full of energy, smiling and saw a happy good-looking dude ready to take on the world.
Everything Affects Your Health
I know that sounds kind of silly but think about it? The way you think is the way you feel.
One morning I was looking in the mirror with a less than positive mindset and what did I see? I see an aging old man, who’s getting a little flabby, has some sun damaged skin and thinking, “God, you are getting old.” I’m tired even though I just got up. I seem to feel more aches and pains and vow, rather weakly, that I’m going to start working out again. I think, I’m not going to eat any crappy food today, as I dream of the bacon cheeseburger and fries being cooked at the restaurant across the street from where I’m working today.
I received a phone call, just a few minutes later with some great news and was feeling pretty good now. I went back to the bathroom and started to get ready to take a shower. I looked at the mirror again and saw a completely different guy. My eyes were bright and full of energy. I felt full of energy, smiling and saw a happy good-looking dude ready to take on the world.
A Positive Mindset
What a difference a mindset can make.
When I meet anybody, I like to ask questions. Most people enjoy talking about themselves and hearing themselves talk about things that are important or concerning to them. My hardest thing to do during this time is to listen deeply without distractions or thinking about what I’m going to say after they are done talking.
When I meet a new patient/friend, my first goal is to find out where they’re mind set is. I asked many questions. Some questions are different and supposedly don’t have anything to do with their issues. I have discovered that most people with serious health issues have many unlaying problems that are unsettling them and looking underneath some of these issues opens up some amazing insights to why they are in the situation they are in. Just that alone opens up a new pathway to healing thinking.
Happiness, Health, and a Mindset for the Future
I like to ask really silly and somewhat stupid questions, just to get them to either smile or get out of their woo is me thought pattern. Most people have a negative mindset coming into a new clinic, considering that they haven’t had any success in helping their medical problems anywhere else.
The object to any healing and balance in life is asking yourself the right questions every day. If you ever want to find the most critical person in your life just look deeply into the eyes looking back at you in the mirror. That person cannot lie to you. The hardest conversation in the world is an open dialogue with yourself. By asking the questions that I do, I hopefully, open a not so painful door down the road to balance, healing, and ultimately happiness.
I’m going to be constantly asking you questions throughout these lessons to try and keep your mind open to different ways to really find happiness, health, and a mindset for the future.